Friday, March 8, 2013


This morning I dropped Jain off at school. She gave me a kiss, got out on her own, and I watched her walk in. As she walked in, she passed two moms who had just walked their kids all the way in. The moms were laughing and talking, not concentrating on whether their weight needs to be in their toes or heels to get down the driveway, crossed the road without fear of falling, and did it all in just a few seconds.
A profound sadness/anger/jealousy hit me. I had to wait a moment before I could even drive away because of the tears blurring my vision. Pardon my language, but this really sucks!
Then, just a few minutes ago my mom and uncle came by. I have not seen Mike in a few years and last he saw I was in a bed shortly after my stroke. He was amazed at my progress and just hugged me and cried a little.
I have to remember that I have made miraculous progress. True, I am very limited with my body but that is only temporary. The things my family and I have been forced to learn will stay with me for eternity.
I have to remember that. I have to remember that. I have to remember that.

1 comment:

  1. Nice comment, Jodi. Your always kicking ass. As your brother-in-law, I have seen the progress you are always making. I can't wait to see how far you will be in another 5 years. I sure love you, P.
