Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Yesterday was my dads birthday. He would have been 70. I wonder if my Grandma made a big carrot cake for him and they played catch to celebrate.
My mom sent out an email yesterday morning and some of us added to it, making a list of things we love and remember. It mostly made me laugh, some things were more tender but they all made me miss him more.
Deer hunting with his dad and brothers and later his sons, sitting around on Sunday and laughing and talking with his family, eating fried chicken. a good hamburger (especially at Longhorn Cafe in San Antonio) lazagne, apple pie, pumpkin cake, his ugly black and red checkered shirt he wore when we were dating, keeping his pants up with his palms, playing baseball/soft ball/ football/soccer/golf/basketball with his kids or grandkids, going to all your different sports activities, as well as those of his grandchildren, going to all of your individual concerts/plays/assemblies/awards banquets/anything that honored any one of you, watching sports on t.v. especially with his kids, watching The Simpsons with you, watching or going to the movies or anything with you, watching Craig and Jodi's solos, writing Wendy's papers, going anywhere with G & G Burton, shooting his guns, taking you to Sun Valley, working in the yard (just kidding) going to movies, out to eat with me and rubbing my feet (at least I thought he loved it), his job with the Air Force, especially in Warner Robins, Ga, just the two of us living in Maryland-we missed you but it was such a great time for us, being near Craig and April in Maryland, long walks with Matt when he was in Jr. High, being in Park City anytime with you, having Matt/Jodi/Josh/Wendy and Kevin/ Jed and Lisa boomerang to live with us again.

Going out for breakfast, playing sports in the yard, singing "My Boyfriends Back",  "Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress", calling me at work, cinnamon rolls, buying treats, going on walks/breaking in to houses being built, watching the Olympics, staying up late and watching shows Mom couldn't know about, walking to Leons Market during Sacrament Meeting to get a Coke, Huntsville Park, telling about every detail of your life and him listening like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

BELCHING is seriously my all time favorite memory, singing :Oh Your Red Scarf Matches Your Eyes", his snickering hee hee laugh as his neck would retract into his chest and he had that boyish grin like, "I just got caught."

First person to ever let me drive a car. Not to mention it was the most expensive car anyone had, Zingers in his robe pocket. He hated the coconut kind but still ate them with us if we promised not to tell Grandma he had them, singing the highly inappropriate song, "Two Trailer Park Girls Go Round the Outside"-to this day I blare it when it comes on, treats whenever we NEEDED them, that included secret treats like eggnog that you didn't have to share, hitting a bucket of balls-even in  the snow, wrecking on the scooter in Sun Valley, late night t.v. sessions and always reminding me that we could only watch The Simpsons if I told him when Grandma was coming so we could change the channel to Disney, biggest bear hugs, we were all his "favorites" and he made each of us grandkids believe it, the pure example of love and family, sickest toe nails ever and he was so proud of them, always with us and never will we forget. Love you, Grandpa!!!!

The way he treated April, Yankee games in Balyimore and Tampa, eat as much as you want on vacations, touching the dashboard in the car when people apparently couldn't see it, pulling on the reigns in the car to stop, "How do you hide an elephant in a strawberry patch?", singing Happy Birthday off key.

He was magic and could make the moon disappear, "jogging" in Texas that was really walking and talking, throwing coasters in Chilis and then look all innocent, "People are no damn good", he popped my first zit by the polar bear pond (really cold pool) in Sun Valley.

Talking to Coach Nelson when my confidence was gone, singing "Today Is Your Birthday" Beatles style, pork chops Pepsi, scallop potatoes, softball game fights, walk and talk, alway take care of mom first, eating out always makes you feel better, his kids were always the best at everything (even when we weren't, bringing a gun to work, Corpus Delicti=Corpus Christsti, barnicles, slipping jalapenos into hot dogs, Shanae hitting him and leaving a bruise, safety, best laugh ever, "Money for Nothin" . Jive Bunny and the Master Mixers

We miss you and love you, Dad, and can't wait to see you again!!

We didn't even ask, Aleq just gave him kisses out of the blue.

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