Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We Can't Buy A Break!

As I have said before, "When it rains, it pours!"
The antibiotics I was on were not working so I started a new type. Should be no big deal, right? Wrong. Ever since the stroke, even the tiniest thing is huge to me and has me right down in bed.
Then, Friday Aleq was sick and stayed home from school. Really fun with the two of us trying to take care of each other. And then, out of the goodness of his heart, he shared his cold with me. Isn't he sweet?
Then Saturday night, Robert got really sick. I have never seen him in that much pain! I can handle a lot but seeing him hurting like that was almost more than I could take!
On Sunday night, Tommy got sick. So he slept on the floor in our room and stayed home Monday. That morning, Robert left early to try and see our doctor friend, Scott, and I was nowhere near up for driving so Jain missed school. Boy did I hear about that! I got a lecture about calling Roberts parents to drive her and how her friends and teacher would miss her. I won't be doing that again any time soon. That girl can lecture with the best of them!
Meanwhile, our friend, Scott examined Robert and thought it might be appendicitis. But he wasn't showing the classic symptoms so he ordered a CT scan. Sure enough, appendix. So he had it out last evening and came home this afternoon.
I broke down and called my sister, Wendy, and her daughter, Olivia, to clean my house and she even treated my kids to McDonald's. My ward has stepped up with rides, sitters, dinners and prayers. My wonderful brother, Matt, is bringing us dinner tomorrow. Roberts parents left on vacation today but yesterday they did everything they possibly could for both Robert and me,  and his dad even stayed at the hospital until very late so that I could be home with the kids and get some good sleep.
All in all it has been a very chaotic few days. I have been reduced to tears on more than one occasion. But we have been taken care of by everyone. Heaven knows it hasn't been ideal, but it could have been a disaster!!
And the kids loved it tonight when we had a picnic on our bedroom floor with Subway for dinner.  I guess even broken parents can be cool if you know the right tricks.

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