Tuesday, August 7, 2012


My body rocks! Okay, I haven't been asked to model lately and I have some cellulite I don't care to discuss, but my body rocks!
I have seen the video from the few days following my stroke and it is seriously a bit frightening. I'm just staring blankly, have tubes all over, and I even have a machine breathing for me. Not to mention the sock-like contraption holding back my tangled hair. It wasn't a pretty picture.
For a long time all that would move was my left hand. I started signing with that hand only and that was the only way anyone knew I was "in there" still. My eyes were no good, either. They had what is called nystagmus, where my eyes would shake back and forth very quickly. And the whole world tipped to the left. This may have been because the hospital was on a hill but I have an assumption it was just me. For months I half expected wheelchairs to start rolling to the left.
Fast forward to now. I still have some serious disabilities but the progress I have made is truly a miracle. I walk like a one year old but at least I can walk! I am driving (with 3 kids this is veeerryyy helpful), and I'm able to do most of the things I need to be a mom. Just an hour ago, Ana Jain ran by me and I stumbled, but I was able to "grab" a wall and move my feet enough that I didn't fall.
I had my stroke on November 29 and if I had been healed completely on  the 30, I never would have appreciated my body this much. I now realize that this body has awesome power to accomplish amazing things!
God made our bodies and I doubt if we will ever realize their greatness.
That being said, our bodies are not perfect. Yet.
I was asked in Sunday School to share my thoughts on our resurrection. I long for that day. I know that at that time my body will be restored to perfection. I can run again. I will be able to kiss my husband with more than my current half pucker. And although I won't need to hold his arm anymore, I hope we will always walk arm in arm.


  1. What an amazing post!! I long for that day too...for u and Dakota!! I have learned too to appreciate all the little things and am more grateful for my health and strength then I ever would have been because of what we have been through.

  2. This is one of the best posts EVER! I want to "ditto" every statement you made! My body isn't anwywhere near perfect today, but it still rocks! Love you, lady!
