Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dr. Swift

I went to see my OB/GYN yesterday and sure enough, hysterectomy.  My mom and sister had one so I was wondering when I would be sooo lucky. (sarcasm doesn't translate well in writing) So on September 13, I get to have #18 surgery. I actually feel good about this decision and feel like ITS ABOUT TIME!! I have had problems since I was 15 years old. Speaking of 15, I've had the same doctor that whole time, Dr. Swift.
My cousin, Amy, also saw Dr. Swift yesterday, but for a much better reason. She is very pregnant with her 3rd baby, Nixon, and we can't wait for him to get here. Not too much longer until he is done baking!!
I saw Dr. Swift first and told him to say hello to Amy when she came and that if we had planned better, we could have shared a room. Both he and his nurse laughed at this but I don't think that idea will be taking off any time soon.
Amy texted me when she was done and said that she and Dr. Swift had talked about me (nothing medical! He has been a family friend for longer than he has been my doctor) and he said that I should have a free pass into Heaven because I have already earned it. I know that's not true and I still have a lot of work to do, but that just made me feel so good! Here is a man who has seen great tragedy and suffering in his own life and he says that about me? It made me feel a little bit better about letting him yank out my innards.

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